Poems by children from the Home

Poems by children from the Home…

The first tooth – by a girl, aged 13

Everyone in the house is happy,

Just because the baby

Has a tiny tooth to show!

I have got a double row,

All as white and all as small,

But no one cares for mine at all.

The baby cannot say a full word,

Yet that single sound is prefered

To all the words I can sayAdd New

In the longest summer days.

Thank you..


Education – by a girl, aged 11

Education, Education,

Education is the key to success

No one can be a teacher without education

No one can be a pastor without education

So boys and girls, education is important for you

And for my country Zimbabwe

September Newsletter 2016

The September Newsletter is now available.

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of John Bromley. John was the inspiration behind the Friends of Matthew Rusike Children’s Home 20 years ago. He worked tirelessly as our Chairman for many years and the Home believe he was very influential in the development of modern childcare practised there. He will be greatly missed both here in the UK and in Zimbabwe.

Christmas Cards 2016

Each year we sell Christmas cards chosen especially for FoMRCH. Over the years we have raised thousands of pounds, all of which has been sent directly to the Home.

A pack of 10 cards costs £2.99. Each year the flyer shows which designs are available.

NOTE: Packs of Christmas cards will no longer be sent out automatically so please order early to avoid disappointment particularly if you want packs of single designs. Mixed packs are also available on request. Either way, please contact our Chairman to place or alter your order.

A big thank you to everyone who helps by buying and/or distributing cards.

You can see how our funds are used here.