Christmas Cards are now digital too!

This year we have decided to begin offering digital cards as well as our stock of real cards.

Our digital cards are available through an organisation which for a donation from you, allows you to choose one of four cards to send to up to 100 friends (via email).

This is an increasingly popular way to support your favourite charity and we wanted to offer you the option too.

The process is very simple:

1. Go to our card website.

2. Here you will see one example of our cards.

3. Click on the card of your choice.

4. Say who the card is from and add your message.

5. Choose how much to donate (and whether to add a tip for Don’t Send Me A Card).

6. You are then sent to PayPal’s website to complete your purchase.

7. You are asked for the email addresses you want to send the card to.

8. Click send.

It’s very straightforward and a great way to stay in touch with people while also helping out the charity of your choice – hopefully us.

Thank you and have a lovely Christmas.